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Online-only accelerator opens its virtual doors

A new Toronto-based online-only accelerator aims to help entrepreneurs get their businesses off the ground through self-directed and live courses. AcceleratorU is an extension of many of the local accelerators that have launched in Toronto since 2011, but it is "designed to fill the gap left by the model those programs follow" co-founder Simon Brightman told IT Business
The article continues: "By offering online courses that are open to anyone globally, the program doesn’t uproot part-time entrepreneurs trying to hold down a day job or require anyone to move to participate in the program. There are a lot of great startups in Canada that aren’t getting picked up by accelerator programs, Brightman says."
AcceleratorU also offers an online venture program, a seven-week program "designed to help entrepreneurs take ideas and turn them into products. The live program includes 28 hours of 'classroom training' and includes support from experienced entrepreneurs. The discounted cost is $297 and an interview chat is required for the admissions process," the article says.
Courses, webinars and programs range in price and sometimes go on sale. There are also a select number of free opportunities. 
The venture program is largely catered to startups that haven't been able to get into accelerators. Brightman told IT Business, "If you've been doing this on your own and you're stuck, this is what we'd like you to consider."
Read the full story here
Original Source: IT Business
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