Star columnist Royson James moderates our Oct. 27 event on community leadership and belonging
Yonge Street Staff |
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Join us on Thu., Oct. 27 for the second in our Speakers Series line-up. This time, we're focusing on building community leadership and a sense of belonging in our city. The panel will be moderated by Toronto Star municipal affairs columnist Royson James.
Everyone is welcome. To register online, go
As we continue our ongoing discussion about what we value in Toronto and how to build on what's working, the release of the Toronto Community Foundation's annual
Vital Signs® report is very timely. Rahul Bhardwaj, president and CEO of the Toronto Community Foundation, will speak to some of the key findings from this year's report, which provides a consolidated snapshot of the health of our city. Also joining the discussion is
Josh McManus, chief innovator, curator and creative director for Little Things, a social innovation laboratory based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, that explores pressing problems and solutions for cities.
Josh is currently working in Detroit, Cincinnati and Chattanooga on creative place-making and the retention and attraction of talent. He'll be able to speak to some of the on-the-ground work he's seen and facilitated in other cities that tie to many of the key indicators for Toronto that Rahul will be highlighting.
The Yonge Street Speaker Series is sponsored by the Toronto Community Foundation and Waterfront Toronto.
The details:
Thursday, October 27
Doors at 6pm; program starts at 6:30pm
Location: OCAD University, 100 McCaul Street
Central Hall, Room 230 (second floor)
Free admission
We'll be using the hashtag #yongetalks for this series.