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Civic Impact

York Region moving towards paperless meetings

The Regional Municipality of York will soon be introducing a paperless meeting platform in an effort to increase meeting efficiency and reduce waste.

On November 1, after a competitive public bidding process, the city awarded a contract to eSCRIBE, a Markham-based software company that specializes in electronic meeting management. York deputy regional clerk Christopher Raynor says councillors attending York's regional board and committee meetings will be able to request electronic agendas by early 2013. Raynor estimates that more than 25 per cent of council members currently use some kind of smart device like a tablet or smartphone. So the move to paperless meetings just made sense. 
"We were getting inquiries both from council and our senior management on how we could provide them with less paper," says Raynor. "And since the region has a number of programs and initiatives aimed at environmental sustainability, a paperless meeting process is a natural fit."
The hope is that the move to eSCRIBE will also mean that reports and other documents will soon be circulated and approved electronically. 
"Their product seems to allow for a good deal of automation without significant change to our existing processes. It also delivers an iPad application that can help users manage meetings and agendas," says Raynor.
While councillors will begin receiving electronic agenda packages in early 2013, the transition to electronic meetings will be a gradual process. "Not all our councillors have mobile devices that can take advantage of the technology. However, the software allows us to deliver electronically and to continue printing so we can meet the needs of council."
Writer: Katia Snukal
Source: Christopher Raynor, Deputy Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of York
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