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Trailblazing tech revolutionaries ViXS currently hiring 30+ staff in Toronto

Recently, Sally Daub was recognized in the trailblazer category at the RBC Canadian Woman Entrepreneur Awards. As the co-founder, president and CEO of ViXS systems, she's overseen the Toronto-based company's growth from semiconductor start-up to world leader in the production of smart network multimedia processors to fuel the digital video revolution.

Founded in Toronto in 2001, the company now has offices on three continents and has filed more than 240 patents. Daub's recognition (which follows her inclusion on the PROFIT magazine Woman 100 list last year) caps a year of recognition for the still-growing firm. This fall, ViXS was ranked the 106th fastest growing tech firm in North America and the 21st fastest growing tech firm in Canada by Deloitte. The company notes it has been a fixture on the Deloitte "Fast 50" list for four years running. Earlier in the year, ViXS was rated 44th on PROFIT magazine's annual list of the 100 fastest-growing companies in Canada.

"We are extremely pleased to continue to be ranked among the top growing companies in Canada," Daub has said. "As a world leader in transcoding and advanced hosting in smart network multimedia processors, we continue to benefit from consumers growing appetite to view and experience digital media content from multiple sources."

And that growth continues. Currently, ViXS is hiring for more than 30 positions in its Toronto office.

Writer: Edward Keenan
Source: Janet Craig, ViXS
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