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New Media Fund will sink $350 million into high-value jobs and innovative digital content

On March 26, the Ministry of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages announced the April 1 launch of the Canada Media Fund, which will invest $350 million across the country in "innovative Canadian content and software applications for current and emerging platforms through financial support and industry research."

Though the fund is not intended primarily as a job-creation strategy, the investment in innovation is likely to create or sustain a significant number of high-value knowledge jobs in software and digital development, says Canadian Media Fund Director of Marketing and Communicatons Betsy Chaly. The fund will invest $27 million into an "experimental stream" to develop leading edge application and content for internet, wireless and mobile devices, as well as emerging platforms. The rest of the money will be allocated to the "Convergence Stream," which targets television shows and related digital media content in the drama, documentary, children's, variety and performing arts genres.

"In launching the Canada Media Fund, we've taken an important step towards supporting a truly modern, multi-platform, industry and a digital content strategy for Canada," said federal Heritage Minister James Moore in the announcement of the fund.

Author: Edward Keenan
Source: Betsy Chaly, Director of Marketing and Communications, Canada Media Fund

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