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Burlington's Gennum launches new products, hiring 26 immediately

Gennum, a Burlington-based data communications, semi-conducter and connectivity company, has announced a slew of new products in recent weeks, including five new optical video modules and 3G cable modules.

Dr. Franz J. Fink, the company's president and CEO, says that the new products are the evolution of a new strategy the company has been working on for three years. "We're moving very rapidly to expand our portfolio of industry-first, industry leading products," he says. He expects to bring more new products to market in the next 12-15 months.

Founded in 1973, the company was traditionally a broadcast semi-conductor leader. It's strategy over the past three years has been to grow the high-speed data transmission side of its business. According to it's most recent quarterly earnings report, the strategy has been working -- in 2006 data transmission represented only 25 per cent of its sales, whereas today it is 45 per cent. Fink expects that share to be more than half in the near future.

The company employs more than 425 people worldwide, about 250 of those in the GTA. After three successive quarters of double-digit sequential revenue growth, the company is expanding its workforce. According to its website, they are currently hiring for 26 positions in the GTA (and more in its other offices across Canada and around the world).

Author: Edward Keenan
Source: Dr. Franz J. Fink, President & CEO, Gennum

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