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$35 million government investment pays off with jobs, new Humber Arts & Media Studios

The former Lakeshore Lions Arena reopened April 23 with lots of fanfare after a renovation project that employed trades workers over the past year and will employ knowledge workers in the years to come, according to Humber public relations spokesperson Andrew Leopold.

The official opening of the Humber College Arts & Media Studios at the school's Lakeshore campus represented the payoff on $35 million in federal and provincial stimulus spending. The new building will be home to a host of arts, trades and media-related classes and programs, and will also house a gymnasium.

The federal government kicked in $5 million towards construction under its Knowledge Infrastructure program, while the province anted up another $30 million under its Open Ontario program in the 2009 budget. The money also funded the construction of Humber's Centre for Justice Leadership, which opened last November.

Writer: Edward Keenan
Source: Andrew Leopold, Humber College

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