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Unique mobile marketing startup MiiToU growing quickly, hiring 4 now

MiiToU (pronounced "me-to-you") is a unique new marketing service that will let people send personalized messages and gift cards by mobile phone. COO and co-founder Richard Meaney says the idea sprung form a desire to give a meaningful gift to people in far-away places -- a gift other than flowers.

"We just wanted to take the popularity of personalized messages, the explosion of the smartphone, and combine it with gift cards," he says.

Since beginning work in 2008, the company has grown to employ four full-time staff and six part-time sales people. As the company prepares to launch its app in time for this year's holiday season, they are ramping up staff. Meaney says the company is adding four full time developers and plans also to hire two more full-time sales people soon. By fall they plan to have 11 full-time staff.

Writer: Edward Keenan
Source: Richard Meaney, COO and co-founder, MiiToU
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