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New Toronto office of Veeam Software employs 3, plans to grow

Systems and data management provider Veeam Software announced this week that it is opening its first Canadian office in Toronto, to join its headquarters in Columbus, Ohio and international locations in the UK and Australia.

"It's no secret that Toronto is a huge hub for computing companies and technological infrastructure," says Canadian regional manager Nate Haddad, who is heading up the new office, "and we see that there hasn't been a company like ours here to adequately service that market, in Toronto and Canada."

The office opens with a staff of three, who will serve Veeam's existing Canadian customer base of 300 and drive, Haddad says, "exponential customer growth and local market penetration." The company is looking to open a Western Canadian office sometime in the near future, and to expand its R&D operation in Montreal. As for the regional headquarters in the GTA, Haddad says he expects the staff to grow as the company adds clients and hits revenue targets in the coming months.

Author: Edward Keenan
Source: Nate Haddad, Canadian Regional Manager, Veeam Software

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