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Ontario Science Centre looking to find young innovators with Weston award

The Ontario Science Centre has launched the 2011 Weston Youth Innovation Award -- the third annual prize to recognize people aged 14-18 who have transformative ideas. Organizers say high school-aged students needed a platform beyond science fairs and classrooms to demonstrate fresh thinking on solutions to problems such as climate change and energy conservation.

Last year's winner, Kimberly Gulevich, for example, explored ways to use "methane capture" to reduce the environmental impact of rural houses that use sewage lagoons.

The winning submission will receive a $2,000 prize and have a multi-media presentation of their project displayed at the Ontario Science Centre.

"Canadian youth have the ability to make a positive impact on our world," Science Centre VP of Science Education Catherine Paisley said. In addition to providing an outlet for youth to express their ideas, the Ontario Science Centre will team up with the award winner to showcase the goals of their project to more than a million visitors a year, giving them an opportunity to promote their activities to a wide audience."

Submissions are being accepted until February 14, 2011. More information is available at the award's website.

Writer: Edward Keenan
Source: Anna Relyea, Ontario Science Centre
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