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Carlton Cinemas Coming Back from the Dead

Toronto's Carlton Cinemas may be getting a second life after being closed in December by owner Cineplex Odeon. As reported by the Torontoist  Magic Lantern Theatres has assumed ownership of the space and is aiming to have it reopened to Toronto movie-goers as early as June of this year.

"Gulshan Singh, spokesman for Magic Lantern Theatres, told Torontoist during a phone call this afternoon that "June is the target date" for reopening the multiplex, which will still be called "Carlton Cinemas."

"The entire interior of the space will need to refurbished, Singh said, but Magic Lantern has been spared the effort of dismantling the old Carlton's facade�Cineplex Odeon did that themselves, along with much more, shortly after the theatre's closure."

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original source Torontoist
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