According to the
Globe & Mail,
Cogniciti, a new Toronto-based non-profit company, could be on the
cutting edge of adult memory enhancement technology and services. The
company, a partnership between two non-profit organizations, Baycrest
and the MaRS Discovery District, is hoping to help adults extend and
enhance memory and cognitive abilities. Launched in December 2009, the
company is developing their first product "Memory@Work".
"Memory@Work is Cogniciti's first product not only because of the
opportunity the ballooning baby boomer population presents, but also
because it's the most commercially ready and will be rolled out this
year. Baycrest researchers have already piloted a version of the
product with 120 participants. Among other positive results,
participants reported an improved ability in remembering job-related
tasks and information."
"Where the pilot program focused on one-on-one lectures followed by pen
and paper exercises, Cogniciti's product will comprise group workshops
followed by computer games and exercises designed to sharpen memory and
improve problem-solving and multi-tasking skills. Participants will
also have access to one-on-one coaching via phone and Internet.
Cogniciti will partner with existing corporate wellness program
distributors to sell Memory@Work to corporate clients, at a cost
comparable to that of other wellness-at-work programs. Corporate
training courses typically cost between $250 and $1,000 per employee".
read full story here
original source Globe & Mail