Toronto entrepreneur and financial investor Andrew Heintzman was the subject of a recent feature on
Investment Executive. Heintzman stands out for his successful contribution to the green economy. His company
Investeco Capital Corp�which has assets of about $45 million�restricts investments to companies focused on environmental goods and services.
"Heintzman believes the time has come for green companies. Referring to more than a decade of personal reflection about environmental change and how it can be accelerated, Heintzman says: "I wanted to focus on the intersection of ecology and commerce. I felt it was going to be a great business to be in because the problems are so significant that we really need new companies."
"Like Heintzman, who also volunteers his time to environmental non-profits, many financial advisors are making environmental concerns a priority. While some pursue their goals through business ventures, many more donate their time, energy and skills to green causes. And more and more often, it seems, the private passions that have driven the environmental movement for decades are now spilling over into mainstream business ventures."
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Investment Executive