A new Conference Board of Canada study has confirmed that immigrants to
Canada boost the country's innovation and, as a result, improve it's
global competitiveness. As reported by the
Toronto Star, the study linked Canadian immigrants to innovation in areas such as "research, culture, business and global commerce".
"Guang Jun Liu arrived in Toronto in 1990 with a master's degree in
robotic control from China. Today, the Ryerson University professor is
the Canada Research Chair in control systems and robotics, specializing
in control systems in aircraft and mobile robots, and working with
groups such as the Canadian Space Agency. According to a new Conference
Board of Canada study, Liu is living proof of how immigrants can help
boost Canada's stature in innovation, which ranks 14th out of 17
industrialized countries."
"Productivity and innovation are critical for economic development,"
said the report, titled Immigrants as Innovators: Boosting Canada's
Global Competitiveness."
"At every level of analysis, immigrants are
shown to have an impact on innovation performance that is benefiting
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Toronto Star