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Ryerson, UoT, York to tour India's higher education

Representatives from nine Canadian universities including Ryerson University, York University, and the University of Toronto will spend this week touring India and speaking with students about Canada's role in higher education. 
The tour is in part designed to teach Indian students about opportunities in Canada, and to encourage them to pursue higher education over here. Specifically, representatives are keen on attracting the attention of students with high academic standing.
"India is a key undergraduate student market for Canadian universities," says Robert Finlayson of Carleton University and tour director, in the article. "Indian students are sought for their academic strength and their rich contribution to student life on Canadian university campuses. Each year we are seeing more Indian students choosing Canada as their first choice for study - as evidenced by the success of this tour. Indian students are drawn to our universities' common attributes of international reputation for academic excellence, state of the art resources, and safe campuses in welcoming locations."
The University of British Columbia, Carleton, Concordia, Guelph, McGill, and Queens also participated. 
Read the full story here
Original source: Deccan Chronicle 
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