The Canadian Opera Company has become the newest Toronto organization to embrace the urban bee-keeping trend. According to the
Globe & Mail the COC has installed two honey bee hives on the roof of its home at Toronto's Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts. While urban bee-keeping is by no means unique to Toronto, the city has been quick to pick up on the worldwide the movement. Casa Loma, the Toronto Island, Downsview park, New College at the University of Toronto, and at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel all boast operational bee colonies.
"At their summer peak, the new COC hives are expected to attract some 120,000 bees and to generate about 50 pounds of honey annually. It can't be sold, because it won't be pasteurized. But, quipped Mr. Neef, "we might consider giving it away as a bonus to those who subscribe to the opera early."
"Why the urban buzz? There are several reasons. A principal goal is to help offset the effects of colony collapse disorder, a global epidemic that has caused the annual loss of some 30 per cent to 40 per cent of honey bees in many countries, including Canada. Although no specific cause has been identified, most scientists blame a combination of factors, including Varroa mites, insect diseases, exposure to pesticides and, possibly, cellphone radiation."
"Cities often provide a happier bee-scape for honey bees, because there are fewer pesticides being sprayed and a more diverse range of plants and flowers."
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Globe & Mail