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new canadians Features

Andrea from the Congo

Cosmopolis wears Toronto's diversity on its booksleeve

Toronto photographer releases photo book of new Canadians from every country in the world. 

Teammates at Moss Park Arena playing with the MPAAHL's Razorbacks.

Hockey night's all right

Christian Szabo with a pane of Ornilux.

Birds have a new friend, immigrant has a new future

After emigrating from Hungary to Toronto with nothing at the age of 19 in 2000, Christian Szabo is now the founder of two companies that help builders and developers protect birds from their buildings, and buildings from the birds.

War of 1812 Mural in Islington Village

Street art preserves Islington Village's history with remarkable attention to detail

A series of 25 murals celebrate Islington Village's past, while looking to its future. Igor Bonifacic reflects on how the street art represents his own experiences growing up in the area as a new Canadian, and what it means to the neighbourhood now.

Developer, Ali Kokulu.

How Stringer bends mind and reality in the name of protecting war reporters

I hear the bomb go off. I am a reporter and suddenly I am rushing to bandage the wounds of a bleeding soldier. His screams startle me and I pull the headset off. I am not in a warzone after all. I am in George Brown College's School of Design. 
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