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After growing staff by 20% in 2010, Cloud pioneers Asigra look to add another 30

As it appeared would be the case when we wrote about them in April 2010, the cloud backup innovators Asigra had a banner year in 2010, growing their staff by more than 20 per cent and becoming the only Canadian company featured in the prestigious Gartner Magic Quadrant report.

Asigra was the first company in the world to offer secure backup systems online (this was before everyone started calling it "the cloud"), and according to Asigra marketing director Amrita Chandra, meeting the challenges of being the innovator in the field is now paying off. "One of the biggest advantages we have is that our product is rich and deep," she says from Asigra's University Heights office. "We've been doing this for decades -- a lot that's been adopted as standard industry practice is what we've been doing for years."

And as the company now claims more than 250,000 customers, Chandra says the market is finally catching up to the company. "The challenge of building something new is that you wind up doing a lot of education. When you're first to market, sometimes you're there before the market is there. For us, we were there when the market was in its infancy, so now the great thing is we've got this history and all these great customer references ... we have companies that have used our products for years."

As such, the boom time continues for job seekers at Asigra, as the company looks to add an additional 30 staff to their team this month.

Writer: Edward Keenan
Source: Amrita Chandra, Senior Director of Corporate Marketing, Asigra Inc.
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