On March 9, the
Toronto Cyclists Union was honoured for the 'Innovation of the Year' at an awards ceremony in Washington, DC hosted by the
Alliance for Cycling and Walking. The group was recognized for its
Partnership for Integration and Sustainable Transportation, which it runs in conjunction with
Culturelink Settlement Services.
"We're honoured to be accepting this award on behalf of our
partnership," says Yvonne Bambrick, Executive Director of the Toronto
Cyclists Union who received the award in Washington. "This project is helping us to grow roots in Toronto's
diverse communities, and to exchange knowledge about sustainable habits
here and around the world."
The recognized program involves workshops around the city in 16 different languages, a handbook and a poster campaign.
The union was formed in Toronto in May 2008 to promote cycling as a viable form of transportation and to provide services and information to the city's bike riders.
Writer: Edward Keenan
Source: Yvonne Bambrick, Executive Director, Toronto Cyclists Union