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Tanja Tiziana
The Riverdale and Danforth neighbourhoods lay immediately east of the Don Valley and are a desirable near-downtown area for both families and the creative community to live. With huge parks (Withrow and Riverdale) and three busy commercial streets (Danforth, Gerrard and Queen) the neighbourhood is well serviced and imminently walkable. While The Danforth has been home to Toronto's Greek community for decades, Queen East has seen a renaissance in the last 10 years with new bars, restaurants and galleries opening. Along Gerrard, one of Toronto's three Chinatowns continues on with a number of grocery stores, restaurants and a new Chinese gate welcome visitors to this Chinatown and the rest of the east side.


Kelli Korducki

Letter from the editor

Letter from Yonge Street's new Managing Editor. 

VQA wine at the Sorauren Farmer's Market.

VQA winemakers taste success at Toronto farmers' markets

A two-year pilot program introduces local winemakers to Toronto markets, one sip at a time. Yonge Street talks to several wineries to learn more about how the city's various farmers' markets are supporting VQA wines. 

Glen Barbeau, overseeing the class at DA Morrison Junior High School

Literacy Through Hip Hop provides at-risk youth with more than education

Yonge Street visits D.A. Morrison Middle School at Danforth and Woodbine to learn how two teachers are making education accessible (and possible) for at-risk youth through an innovative Hip Hop literacy program, one of several programs throughout the city.

Ted Thorpe of Thorpe's Organic Produce at the Dufferin Grove Farmers' Market.

Where the foodies are: Exploring our burgeoning farmers' market scene

Toronto's farmers' markets reflect the character of their 'hoods just as much they reflect what local producers have on offer.

Craven Road

The joys of front-yard gardening: Food at your doorstep--and better privacy

For residents of writer Sarah B. Hood's Craven Road neighbourhood, small properties are no obstacle to vegetable gardening, especially for those who welcome a 'salad wall.'
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