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Brampton : Featured Stories

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Alex Dumesle, Project Coordinator for Partners of Project Green.

The greenest industrial wasteland around

Nearly a thousand businesses in the Pearson Eco-Business Zone encompassing the airport and surrounding area have teamed up under the banner of Partners in Project Green to lessen their carbon footprint. Here's how they plan to do it.

vital signs

Vital Signs report paints a new portrait of Toronto's growing population

The 2013 Vital Signs report indicates a city in rapid transition, bringing with it a new realm of opportunities and challenges. We summarize some of the findings in the first of many features dedicated to breaking down the issues outlined in the Vital Signs report. 

Proposed Clarington Waste Facility.

Should Toronto burn its trash?

Toronto refuses to incinerate its waste, though nearby Peel Region has been doing it for years and York Region is now stepping on board. Is it time for the city to revisit its stance on incinerators?

Bob Baloch of The Fresh Veggies at the Sorauren Market.

A fresh "spin" on urban agriculture

Local SPIN-farmers are using small plots of land to grow fresh produce in urban environments. The movement supports eating locally, all while creating jobs and taking advantage of underused backyards. 

Abraham Catano of Stella's Corsets.

Yonge Interviews: Abraham Catano, CEO of Stella's Corset

For years the secret to Luz Stella Torres's figure was the corset she wore under her clothes. When the secret got out, it turned into a business opportunity. Her son Abraham Catano has since grown the door-to-door corset sales business into two GTA retail locations with plans to expand to Dubai.  

Shinny hockey at Toogood Pond in Unionville.

Top 5 places to skate outdoors in Toronto and the GTA

It's not too late for a Valentine's Day skate. With more than 100 skating rinks in Toronto and the GTA, we narrow down our top five outdoor picks for winter romance under the stars. Hot cocoa anyone?

McVean Startup Farm

Not quite old McDonald's farm

Brampton's McVean start-up project teaches newbie keeners, including new Canadians, about running sustainable farms. They learn from the experts... and from each other.

Sharada Eswar

Artists in the GTA: Sharada Eswar tells South Asian tales old and new

As a young girl in Kerala, Sharada Eswar loved hearing her grandmother recount Indian epics. Now, the Brampton resident is bringing those ancient stories—and more contemporary tales—to life.


Game on! A new sports festival attempts to erase the divide between jocks and nerds

A project of four community leaders who started out as strangers, StreetSport isn't just about reclaiming the joy of competition for GTA residents who might never make it to the big leagues. Like its role model, Nuit Blanche, it's also about putting people at the centre of our public spaces.

Jade Jager Clark

Artists in the GTA: for Jade Jager Clark, hip hop is her passion and business

Brampton may not seem like a centre for hip hop talent, but in one cul-de-sac Jade Jager Clark has established a dance empire with international reach. She doesn't seem to care that she's only twenty-two years old.

Farm in the Village

Farming in the city: how urban agriculture is slowly growing in Toronto

Interest in cultivating organic vegetables is growing around the GTA and is both a choice for entrepreneurs looking for a new career and a way to teach youth new skills. Yonge Street talks to one of those new farmers as well as Justin Di Ciano, who runs the "Farm-in-the-Village" program.
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